Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 9 Coaching Calls

My coach and coachee are such different people and that is really lucky for me. Every week, I get two very different perspectives on life, dialogue and, this week, listening.

First, during my coaching session with Amanda, we discussed her two empathic listening attempts. I say attempts because she initially felt as though she did not have the experiences that she thought she would. Without going into the personal details of her conversations, I'll say that they were more than attempts. Amanda has different views on some big issues in both of her friends life and this seemed like a great start into deeper listening for her. From our past coaching calls, I know that Amanda often defaults to politeness as she does not like to cause waves, especially with people close to her. I think this is both a strength and a struggle for her. She loves her friends despite their differences but I think sometimes we can let politeness get in the way of really listening to and trying to understand others' points of view. Amanda did a great job presensing this week in her empathic listening practice.

Chinrinee had me focusing more on my empatgic listening to myself than of that with the other people I spoke to this week. We talked about listening inside and outside to our own energies and those of the people, places and things around us. Chinrinee helped me to see that I hae grown in empathic listening to myself through the course. In the beginning, I was very hard on myself and the class in general as I felt confused and overwhelmed. But now, I am more gentle with myself and with the speakers/writers/theorists who we're experiencing through the class. Whe she asked what I've taken most from the class in terms of integrating it into my life, I couldn't really tell but I did know that I wished and was trying to practice suspension which is crucial for any kind of listening or knowing.

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